Cincinnati 513 Green

We are proud to announce that we are the first coffee roaster in Cincinnati to receive the 513 Green Workplace Certification!

This sustainability certification recognizes and promotes businesses in Hamilton County that voluntarily operate in an environmentally responsible manner through sustainable actions such as waste diversion, promoting clean transportation to help improve air quality, water conservation and energy conservation. We recognize that sustainability is a constant practice that always leaves room for improvement. Since obtaining the 513 Green Workplace Certification in January 2022, we have continued our mission to be Good for the People (and the planet!) by:

  • Beginning the process of performing waste audits at our roastery and shops with the goal of identifying opportunities for further landfill diversion and a more robust composting program

  • Purchasing a fully electric delivery vehicle

  • Working to improve our composting program at each of our shops

  • Finishing out our fourth quarter of supporting and amplifying projects that strengthen communities both locally and in coffee-growing regions through our Community GiveBack Program

Sustainability has been a core value of Deeper Roots since our origins as a roasting company. We wholeheartedly believe that “sustainability” is not merely a destination, but an opportunity for continuous improvement.

This certification is free to all businesses in Hamilton County, and provides a comprehensive framework, resources and assistance to help guide companies towards more sustainable practices. Check out 513 Green’s Directory to learn how other amazing business in Southwest Ohio are committing to sustainability, and we encourage our fellow community businesses to consider getting certified too!

As we continue to identify opportunities to create positive impact throughout 2023, we invite you to keep up with current and upcoming projects on our Impact Page and here under the Impact section on our blog.