San Jose - Colombia

We’ve worked in Colombia with Pergamino since 2013 purchasing La Palma and other delicious micro-lot coffees.

So, when we had a conversation with them about our Community Give Back project it became obvious that they would be an amazing partner.  Pergamino knows the industry inside and out in Colombia.  They have a family estate of five farms, work with other farmers around their home area and in areas all over the country, they run a successful multi-site café business under the same name and they export a more-than-respectable amount of specialty coffee from their farms and their partners. 

When we came to them to chat about a way to get involved with their environmental and social impact projects they already had a beautiful project teed up that they were planning on finding partners to help implement.  In a region called Cauca, they have an initiative they’re trying to propagate after seeing success on their estate farms.  The idea is to eliminate synthesized chemical additives to the plants and soil and create a bio-fertilizer production facility in the area run by farmers for the community.  This has trickle-down effects not only on the health and well-being of the soil and water run-off, but also on the financial sustainability of the community.  Farmers can run the production and make secondary income while also being able to offer a less expensive option to their community farmers looking to fertilize their land.  This sort of project is directly in line with Deeper Roots’ values of being good for the people and good for the planet, and we’re excited to see how one small project can have a lasting ripple effect in a wonderful, coffee producing community.


Cincy Nice


St. Francis Seraph Ministries - Dining Room