Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub

The Cincinnati Recycling & Reuse Hub is doing much more than just keeping items out of the landfill. They work to increase awareness of the connections among “things,” consumer habits, and harmful environmental consequences by providing a literal hub where almost anything can be recycled or reused. These efforts aim to shift norms and expectations away from disposability and toward sustainability – where the value of an item is judged not only by its immediate utility, but also by its long-term effects on the environment, the economy, and social justice. 

The Hub is the only organization in Greater Cincinnati accepting such a vast amount of items for the general public to recycle in one place. The one-stop drop-off location in Lower Price Hill saves time, effort, and gas for donors, and allows for more items to be recycled or reused than the current waste/recycling/reuse infrastructure for the Greater Cincinnati Area does. The Hub also houses an amazing creative reuse center run by their dedicated volunteers, where you can gather materials for a wide range of projects free of charge!

Here at Deeper Roots Coffee, we utilize The Hub’s services on a weekly basis. Through them, we are able to responsibly dispose of materials that we are unable to compost or recycle ourselves. We also source valuable packing material from their reuse center. We’re excited to partner with them on an Electronics Recycling Drive as part of the annual Lower Price Hill Cleanup, organized by the Lower Price Hill Community Council and the Lower Price Hill Neighborhood Association of Businesses.

Funds from this round of the Community Blend Give Back will be used towards helping the Cincinnati Recycling & Reuse Hub offset the costs of recycling items collected during their Electronics Recycling Drive. This service will help create equitable access to responsibly disposing of otherwise harmful materials at zero cost to the residents of Lower Price Hill.


La Armonia Hermosa – Santa Maria de Jesus, Guatemala


Long Miles Burundi Cowshed Program